10 REASONS to Use SeedBox

A seedbox is a BitTorrent jargon for a dedicated high-speed server used explicitly for torrent transfers; more specifically – for uploading (seeding) at high rates. It’s in most cases at a high-speed data center. The files are transferred through your torrent site, then they can be transferred to a personal computer at high speeds through the FTP protocols. A seedbox works extremely well on a lot of the dominant OS (for example, Windows).

With a seedbox, you’ll be able to manage your torrents through a browser from anywhere, anytime. Here are 10 advantages of using a seedbox over conventional home-based BitTorrent transfers:


  1. SPEED.

Most seedbox accounts are set up on 100Mbit-1Gbps lines, or faster.  This is unquestionably faster than your home Internet access.To put it in perspective, that’s like being able to download an average-sized MP3 in just one second.


Well, for starters, the upload speed is the same rate


Home Internet accounts typically have much slower upload rates than down. Seeding & Uploading is the real reason users set up a seedbox.


Today a seedbox is not just recommended; it’s mandatory for account longevity. It is either gets a seedbox or get left behind.

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